The M81 Fuse igniter is manufactured by UDC USA and supplied to the Department of Defense, SOCOM, and Military personnel.
The inert M81 igniter replicates a military igniter used with a time fuse or shocktube (NONEL/MDI). This training aid is engineered to have the same density and effective atomic number as a fuse igniter. This item is ITAR restricted and requires special licensing for most international sales.
The igniter is typically utilized with detonation cords, shock tubes, and (M700) time fuses. All components are X-ray, tactilely, and visually accurate to the real threat components.
M81 Instructional Video
Ultra Defense Corp is one of the sole manufacturers of the M81 Fuse Igniter. However, there are no educational resources for how to operate the M81 available online, so we decided to produce our own. This video will walk you through the core functions of the M81, and is to be used as an educational resource for those that wish to learn more about this product. Please contact your local governing authority for best practices based on your locality. UDC claims no responsibility of injury due to misuse of the M81 Fuse Igniter.
Ultra Defense Corp’s Official video - How to use the M81 Fuse Igniter.
UDC USA, Inc. produces the M81 Igniter for the U.S. Army, Marines, and Department of Commerce approved International customers. UDC is the only active producer of the M81 Igniter in the world.
NAME: M81, Igniter Time Blasting Fuze
FUNCTION: M81 Igniter is designed to work with M700 Time Fuze or Shock Tube to create an explosive train for mines, demolitions or training activities. To ignite, remove the safety pin and then pull the ring. This creates spring tension and when released the firing pin will strike will set off the primer. The primer then ignites the shock tube which is secured in the end of the igniter. A blasting cap is crimped onto the far end of the shock tube and place into the explosive or mine to be initiated.
APPEARANCE: Olive Drab polymer tube with shipping plug and weatherproofing plug on one end. Cotter pin and pull ring on the other end.
SHIPPING: 1.4 S, UN0131 US MIL SPEC: 6 pack- M81 Igniters per 6” x 5” x 1.5” Set-Up Box sealed in a barrier bag. 60 Set-Up Boxes/Wood Box. M2A2 ammo can shipping configuration available. NSN 1375-01-415-1235
COMMERCIAL: 5 pack - M81 Igniters per 6” x 5” x 1.5” Set-Up Box sealed in a barrier bag. 60 Set-Up Boxes/Wood Box.
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